
Welcome to SocialMob!

Step into a world of new music and friends.
Explore beyond amazing music:
Let’s Mob it Up!

Change the way you Network.

Have you ever met people who have similar tastes in music? Over here you can experience this new & fun way of socializing!

Discover the world of Indie.

Ever tuned into a song you haven't heard and it completely blows your mind? Explore SocialMob to keep feeling that awesome feeling!

Not just an app.
Music is emotional. Humans are emotional beings. Hence, we bring you a Social Music Community.
Vibe with Music.
Surprise yourself with Social Music. Connections based on similar musical interests may be deeper than you think.
Find your next favorite artist.
Be that legend who always has great taste in music. Hidden gems? Next big trend? You could be the first to know.